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0204 538 3560

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Lillywhite Property Maintenance LTD


What is microcement? Uses, types, application and advantages Microcement Topciment is a decorative coating composed of cement, water-based resins, additives and mineral pigments that can be applied on a multitude of vertical and horizontal surfaces thanks to its great adherence. This construction material stands out because it is applied directly onto existing materials: tiles, plasterboard, floor tiles, marble, terrazzo or plaster, among many others. With hardly any work and a thickness of only 3 millimetres, a rapid renovation of spaces is achieved. A cutting-edge cladding, jointless and suitable for both outdoor and indoor spaces. A continuous cladding that can be applied on floors, walls, stairs, ceilings, swimming pools and even furniture. Its versatility has led to its increasing presence in the refurbishment of private homes and in commercial premises and large surfaces such as sports centres, industrial buildings, hotels and restaurants. LPG offers you a wide range of possibilities and decorative finishes, where you set the limit. Give rooms a unique and personal character thanks to the different textures (thick, medium or thin); the wide variety of microcement colours; and the different finishes that our varnishes and metallic coatings allow.
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Where can microcement be applied?

The decorative solutions of microcement are infinite. That is why its uses are so varied. From microcement stairs or microcement swimming pools to furniture clad with microcement. Although the use par excellence of microcement is in floors and walls of kitchens, bathrooms and outdoor spaces such as terraces.


Whatever the surface to be covered with microcement, at LPG we care about the final result. That is why, in our desire to achieve an optimal, versatile and quality product that lasts over time and adapts to the needs of the market, we have achieved a balance between hardness and flexibility.


And what does this mean? That our microcement allows us to cover any surface, no matter how large it may be, achieving a continuous pavement without joints or fissures. In this way we avoid areas of dirt, thus facilitating cleaning and disinfection, helping to obtain places free of germs and bacteria.


And what does this mean? That our microcement allows us to cover any surface, no matter how large it may be, achieving a continuous pavement without joints or fissures. In this way we avoid areas of dirt, thus facilitating cleaning and disinfection, helping to obtain places free of germs and bacteria. In addition, our microcements guarantee a high resistance in the areas most exposed to traffic as well as to the most aggressive cleaning products. Hence the high demand for microcement in kitchens and microcement bathrooms .


Microcement on walls

Microcement is a highly recommended building material for covering all types of walls and facades. In our gallery you will find different LPG microcement walls to inspire you.


Microcement floors

Continuous microcement floors are not only very attractive to look at, but also have interesting qualities. Explore our gallery and discover all the microcement floors that can be created with LPG.


Microcement bathrooms

Microcement is a perfect decorative coating to renovate the bathroom, especially because of its resistance to moisture and how easy it is to clean. Take a look at all the microcement bathrooms that are possible with LPG microcements in our gallery.


Microcement in kitchens

Microcement in kitchens can be used in many ways. It can cover floors and walls, ceilings, sinks and kitchen worktops in practically every colour you can imagine. Microcement kitchens of all styles and sizes.


Microcement stairs

The versatility of microcement means that it can even be used on stairs, although the applicator’s work is somewhat more complex. With LPG microcements it is possible to design spectacular microcement stairs.


Microcement pools

Covering the crown and the area around the pool with microcement is a guaranteed success. The non-slip and waterproof nature of our decorative coatings, as well as their excellent resistance to UV rays, make them ideal for covering indoor and outdoor pools.


Outdoor microcement

Microcement is an excellent continuous coating also for exterior surfaces such as terrace floors, patios of residential houses or facades and walls of buildings.


Advantages of microcement

Microcement is a decorative coating that has great qualities. Here is a brief summary of the main advantages of Topciment microcement:


Multiple decorative finishes.


Seamless surface.


It can be applied on floors, walls, ceilings, swimming pools and furniture. Interior and exterior spaces.


Wide variety of microcement colours and textures.


Handcrafted application. Exclusive and personalised result.


High adherence.compatible with tiles, marble, stoneware, terrazzo, plasterboard, concrete, cement, plaster, etc.


Resistant to traffic, knocks, scratches and chemical products.




Anti-slip, depending on finishes.


Quick and rubble-free works.


Material thickness 2/3 mm, so it does not affect the structural load of the building.


Natural materials. 100% environmentally friendly product.


Easy maintenance and cleaning; with water and neutral pH soap.


Germ and bacteria free spaces.


Microcement finishes

The different microcement finishes that can be obtained depend on the textures (see types of microcement) and the varnishes or sealers used, as these are two elements that condition the appearance and final finish of our microcements.


As microcement is a porous material, it is necessary to apply a varnish or sealer to protect it from dirt and to make the surface to be coated waterproof.


Acabado mate

Microcement matt finish

Gives a very natural look to the microcement cladding. Slightly dulls the colour tone.


Acabado mate

Microcement super matt finish

Ideal for when you are looking for a deep matt finish, without shine.


Acabado mate

Microcement satin finish

Halfway between the matt finish and the gloss finish. It is one of the most popular because it gives a modern look to the surface


Acabado mate

Microcement with a gloss finish

Enhances and enlivens the colour. The effect obtained is marbled


Acabado mate

Non-slip matte finish microcement

Matt finish but with the condition of non-slip. Topsealer Anti Slip polyurethane varnish or sealant must be used