Welcome to Lillywhite Property Maintenance LTD
0204 538 3560

How We Work

Lillywhite Property Maintenance LTD


If you’re a property developer, property manager, letting agent or private landlord, then protecting your asset is at the forefront of your requirements. If you’re a tenant, you want to ensure the return of your deposit, at the end of your tenancy.

At Lillywhite, we never lose sight of what matters to you. We ensure that our professional and independently produced reports, formulate a detailed understanding between all parties as to the condition of the property and chattels. This independently drafted understanding reduces the need for expensive and unnecessary court action.

We have our own inventory clerk who is fully trained and can attend appointments at a moments notice and produce the reports within 24 hours.
We collaborate with professionals that
build great relationships with clients
  • 0204 538 3560
  • or
  • Info@

Do You need Our Help, Get In Touch!

With a simple phone call, you can relax and be safe in the knowledge that the problem is being fixed, leaving you and your staff to concentrate on the day-to-day running of your business.